Are you a hardcore true crime fan?
Do you know all the ins and outs of popular cases and killers?
Are you kind of sick of hearing the same old stories over and over?
Do you long to be truly disturbed by strange and scary details that just don’t happen every day?
Then you are sure to enjoy The Most Bizarre True Crime Stories Ever Told!
Inside you’ll find:
As horrifying as the details of well-known cases can be, real true crime fanatics are looking for something more than the run of the mill murders they’ve heard about a thousand times. They’re looking for mysteries, twists and turns, and seemingly-impossible circumstances that take a case from lacklustre to legendary.
The Most Bizarre True Crime Stories Ever Told delivers the horrifying, interesting, weird, and disturbing tales that really get true crime connoisseurs excited. Lock your doors, close your blinds, and get ready to read about some of the strangest, and most bone-chilling true crime cases the word has ever seen.